This is not an endorsement

In order to produce high quality/resolution illustrations, TPP has been learning/working with the Adobe Illustrator.  In retrospect TPP wishes he'd kept track of how many programs he's taught himself to use resulting in a range of aptitudes from expert to toddler.  The number would be impressive because he's was part of the vanguard of PC users.  So take my observations for what they are that of a reasonably compentent user who is pretty adept at figuring things out.  Let me say this first about AI: this software is quite impressive in terms of what it is capable of doing.  However, this is one of the least intuitive, most obtuse pieces of software TPP has ever learned (OK begun to learn) how to use.  Here's an example.  A lot of programs allow you to import files from else where.  In virtually ever single one of these you find an IMPORT function under a file menu and it asks you what you want imported.  This is one of those universal features of software.  Look around AI in vane for an import function.  Oh, there it is, under the terribly non-descriptive term PLACE.  Parking place, park place, play place, carefully place, no bells of recognition went off, so you resort to very obtuse an online help resource that does not seem to believe in step-by-step instrucions.  All of the previous illustration programs TPP has used allow you to resize an image or object.  So does AI, but it's called "scale" located under the Transformers menu.  You keep waiting for your printer to convert into something else.  Now once you know these features, all is well, but the learning curve on this program is remarkably steep because there are dozens of such querky things.  Naturally our institution provides all sorts of technical assistance, but they have never been much help because TPP always manages to get beyond the introductory level on his own, and they teach/instruct you on everything as though you were a slow learner, and none of them then know more than you do.  Sigh.  So on you go on your own; that's been the way of my computing career.  TPP tries to learn one new AI function with each illustration, and presently illustrations can now be attempted that were technically beyond my ability just a month ago.  Those people who have mastered this beast have my admiration;   the interface designers not so much. 

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