A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Over the river and through the woods
It's a wet, gloomy Saturday morning here in the upper midwest, and nothing much to do outside anyways. Mrs. Phactor has run off to participate in a fund raising event with her professional group thus leaving TPP to his own devices. She also left a honey-do list as if the Phactor would actually waste the whole morning blogging rather than accomplishing something useful. So perhaps some multi-tasking is in order. Let's see. Item one: in the category of foraging, find and purchase aji amarillo paste. How interesting. A trip to Peru will take a lot longer than a Saturday morning, but it sounds like fun. You'd think yellow chili paste would be at the local Kroger's along with Vegamite, but no. So time to finish this, and get moving. First, another cup of coffee and a newly made nutball cookie (my Mother's recipe) made the last time the Phactor was left to his own devices.
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