iPhone Zombies

Walking to and around a college campus can always be a bit challenging for about 15 mins each hour as classes change, but walking is made more difficult by the many iPhone zombies.  These zombies are so absorbed in the little screens in front of their noses that they shuffle and stumble along with no regard whatsoever for those people or other objects in their path.  On occasion one will look up surprised, briefly emerging from zombiedom, to discover that another person has happened into their wandering path.  Curbs and uneven sidewalks become challenging obstacles for their shuffling gait.  Some of these zombies compound the problem by chewing gum thereby certainly putting them into a mental overload.  Some students attempt to secret their obcession behind books or papers to maintain the zombie status during class, and this certainly shows up in academic evaluations.  It's actually a new form of absenteeism, your zombie body attends the class, while their brain is being consumed by their iPhone.  "But I attended every class, how could I get a D-?" A colleague actually arranged to have his class texted during his class to say the lecture isn't being texted to you, so turn your phone off.  One answered, "Y not?"  TPP is looking for a personal signel jammer to fight fire with fire.  Oh, yes!  A 10 meter range!  Now for some fun. 


  1. Ha, you spelt "signal" wrong in the last post, too.

    On topic, I do find that a decent phone can make boring meetings tolerable. I'm too old to remember lectures.

  2. Speling has long been a problem. My limited ability with foreign languages, my total lack of musical talent both point to a tonal deafness; vowels all sound alike.

  3. Speling has long been a problem. My limited ability with foreign languages, my total lack of musical talent both point to a tonal deafness; vowels all sound alike.

  4. Ha! I noticed this, too, when I dropped off my daughter at her campus after October break. Regarding the spelling, if you ever need an editor for a project...


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