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Plug-in electric conversion kit for you car
In the old days, we used to mount old lawn mower motors on our bicycles to give us a power boost. There was no direct drive just the friction of a motor-turned drum against the bicycle tire, but once you were moving it could scoot you right along. Well, this invention reminds me of that, sort of, and it is such a clever way of converting just about any car to a plug-in hybrid with a kit that turns you rear wheels into brushless electric motors. One of the inventors explains how it works in a video. The really cool thing is that they think you will be able to convert your standard car to a plug-in hybrid for about $3000. Since most people do most of their driving around town at speeds below 45 mph, they estimate such a kit will increase you gas mileage by 50 to 100%. And even cooler, this innovative invention came from Middle Tennessee State, your basic public university, and not even one of your flagship institutions. How to go Blue Raiders! Or will it be Green Raiders from now on? Why not?
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