Another fine botanical meeting shot to heck

Well, it's over. Another botanical meeting finished.  The Phactor has attended 30 some odd of them now having started 40 years ago, but missing a few.  Had a last drink with several friends after the banquet and awards ceremony, and now the Phactor needs some sleep before driving home.  Listened to quite a few student talks today, and without question Roxaneh (neat spelling) talking about her palm reproduction was the best, and as if the judges were listening, she won the best student presentation award.  Her major professor, a very good friend, will be most pleased.  Met a few new people that were on my list, but still failed to get time to chat with fast Eddie.  As a fern guy we just don't listen to too many of the same talks, and it can be hard to run into some people as a result.  Although this may be hard to believe, but had dinner with my undergraduate adviser who will be starting his 43d academic year, and the last 10 years have been his most productive in research, so some people do get older and better.  The Phactor helped auction off a bunch of items to raise money for lecture honoring a curmudgeon in our field.  And the day started with an alumni breakfast for botanists who worked or studied at Miami University at one time or another.  Looking around everyone looks  beat.  Meetings are marathons, but great fun in all respects.

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