A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
It never rains on field trips - sure
In a quite unusual break from field work, gardening, and taxes, the Phactors are off to St. Louis for some botanical doings, and the plan is to work in a walk through the Missouri Botanical Garden, which is always well worth the time, but a bit of a tease for us because at one full hardiness zone south of us, MBG can grow lots of things we can't. Although most people haven't noticed, the upper midwest has not only been unusually warm, but unusually dry, so the area needs rain. And today it is raining all the way from Oklahoma to Chicago in a diagonal storm track, so that covers us, our route, and St. Louis, but as the Phactor tells his students it never rains on a field trip. But it's raining, so this must not be a field trip.
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