Impact factor - Treemendous!

This won't mean much to most of you, but this is a very nice article about the accomplishments of Dr. Alex Shigo, a guy who actually single-handedly revolutionized tree care and urban forestry.  He did this with a great deal of energy, a redwood-sized personality, a lot of research, and he summarized a lot of this information in non-technical publications.  Some of you might be interested in some of his many publications, so here's the link to Alex's publications.  Tell them the Phytophactor sent you.  Many moons have since passed since the Phactor did his post-doctoral research with Shigo and one of his associates; it was a great learning experience; we dissected a lot of trees, but unfortunately, one of the things learned was that my future was not in forestry, which at the time was quite disappointing.  In the process the Phactor met Alex's ever so lovely daughter and her husband, the ever effervescent Dr. Chips, and it was she who called my attention to this article.  She has good reason to be very proud.  Very, very few people have such a great impact on their fields.  So here's a freebie; keep those darned lawn mowers away from your tree trunks.  


  1. Thanks, Joe! Great posting of yours - much appreciated! I am continuously made proud of my Dad's efforts and the realization that his work stands the tests of time and continues to educate those who care about trees!

  2. Thanks for this...sometimes people don't have any idea of how far their work reaches...and it is FAR.

  3. Joe? You confuse the Phactor with someone else.


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