Violet lawn

In addition to our blue lawn, which has now faded, and a bit quickly because of the unseasonal heat, the Phactors also have some areas of violet lawn.  Here's what it looks like. Without question this is attractive, but unfortunately this is one portion of lawn that would be "nicer" if it had half as many violets and correspondingly more grass. This tells you that the Phactor does not get to dictate lawn care for the entire lawn.  In other parts of the lawn, spring beauty has turned things white-pink. Labrador violets have also invaded our lawns (along with bluebells, wild ginger, Trillium, and more), but they are much better behaved, less competitive.  Unfortunately, violets are a bit tough to get rid of, and they produce lots of viable seed which is how this whole problem got started.  So maybe the Phactors get used to a violet lawn.


  1. Why on earth would anyone want grass rather than violets? Violets are beautiful and you don't have to mow them.

  2. you posted a picture this year! i love it! you know, an edible landscape is hip, and violets are good for you.


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