Si tu vois ma mere

Last night was a typical Friday night for the Phactors: Chinese carryout and a DVD.  Mrs. Phactor picked the movie, Midnight in Paris, a nice enough piece of Woody Allen fluff for nothing but an evening's entertainment.  However, the theme music is a magical piece, Si tu vois ma mere, recorded in the early 1950s by one of the Phactor's favorite jazz artists, Sidney Bechet.  In case you don't know Bechet, he played a soprano saxaphone like no one before or after.  Get your self a nice cocktail, something sort of New Orleansy, and give this a listen. 


  1. I'm glad to hear that you didn't love that movie. It got rave reviews and it's one of most boring movies I've seen in a while. The themes kind of slap one in the face.

  2. Si tu vois ma mere is one of my favorite pieces. Thanks for sharing.



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