Shopping for new clothes - Part 2

Well, white text on black is not a resounding success, although images do look good against the black background. On my monitor it reads quite well, but clearly that is not the case for everyone. The white text of header/title shows up against the color picture better than the black text did, especially after finding an image providing more contrast. More diddling will follow as a new look is sought, and changes evaluated.


  1. When I contemplated switching PATSP to light text on a dark background, I got a lot of people begging me not to because they found it harder to read.

    I find it harder to read too, though not to the point where I can't live with it.

    I agree that pictures look better on a black background.

  2. I actually find white-on-black easier to read!

  3. Dear Phactor,

    I like to read your blog on my kindle. But I am afraid it is impossible to read with your new style...the screen is more or less just black.

    perhaps your sayings are being redacted...

    a tormented dean gets revenge...


  4. Oh, dear, the Phactor is Kindle inkompatible! However, the appearance of link text and the blog feeds is unacceptable, so some sort of alternative will be found. Have to figure out how to leave the heading text white, or use white flowers.

  5. I'm with sarcozona, I find white on black easier to read. Actually, I find just about anything other than a glaring white background to be easier on my eyes. Light gray, perhaps?

    I like the new pic on the header. The white text is much easier to read against the flowers than it was against the other pic.

  6. I'm with sarcozona and CelticRose in finding white-on-black easier to read. But I agree the links aren't so great. We're lucky to get 3G service around here, so not a very Kindlish-friendly household. Does black on grey, as CR suggests, work for Kindles? Anything to mute the stark white.

    Love the tree peony. The small white type on it wasn't easy to read, though.

    Clearly, asking for advice is good for comment anemia.


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