A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Be a good example
You get to observe many sorts while traveling, and here in western North Carolina where we find ourselves this weekend, you do get to see a different cross section of the country. While availing ourselves of a mom and pop motel's pool a couple of women old enough to know better were making quite a fuss, squeeling, eeking and such. And of this alarms their children, who were not old enough to know better. The cause of it all was a poor little ole tree frog who somehow landed itself in the pool with no apparent way out. Now this is a tiny frog, and it was easily removed and returned to the landscape shrubbery, but what kind of lesson did these women provide their children? Not a very good one. Be scared of encounters with nature. Turn a potential learning, caring for wildlife opportunity into the exact opposite. Depressing.
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