Very slow internet

Halfway around the world is no great distance for those little electrons to travel, but the interface available here in our tropical paradise is quite slow which is why no recent pictures have been posted and why so few blog postings. Reports from the tropics will have to be a retrospective. Uploading images is just out of the question. In a manner of speaking when you're in the tropics you shouldn't have access to newspapers, the internet, or underwear, none of which is very useful here. But soon, all too soon, the Phactor will be on the road again, returning to the great midwest, which surely will welcome us with milder weather.


  1. browsing this blog through my same slow internet, can you help me on this plant? what thus it called and is it available in the tropics?

  2. Old news, I know; but these look like cut off stems and rosettes of Agave attenuata to me. If so, they would be fairly large (about two feet or more across for each piece). Unfortunately, the picture doesn't give a very good idea of scale, so I cant be sure of the size of the plants in the photo.

    Ciao, KK.


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