Mad Hatter Highlights

There are very few material things the Phactor covets, but then there are hats, especially with broad brims and low crowns. What this means is that some or later when in Australia the Akubras beckon. What wonderful hats, and the Phactor has worn them for over 30 years. The demise of an old friend and the shrinkage of a well used Stetson has left the hat stable a bit thin, not that any excuse was needed. So despite the fact that hats are not easy to travel with, and as soon as you nestle one kindly into an airplane overhead bin, some lady inexplicably carrying several bowling balls in a gigantic carryon bag will sling it into the bin with never a mind for what might already resides therein. But this is an opportunity that cannot be passed up as it has been 8 years since my last visit, and now that the Akubra purchased on that occasion is getting decently broken in, it becomes a possible to get a new one. Here's the model except for the silly feathers. What do they think me? A gallah?

1 comment:

  1. Margaret Dumont: "This is a gala day for you."

    Groucho Marx: "Well, a gal a day is enough for me."

    Seeing that some of us are given to puns, it's perhaps better you chose "galah" than "cockatoo".


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