Not a good year for Iris

So far this hasn't been a good year for the Iris in our gardens, in particular, Mrs. Phactor's German bearded ones. Some years the displays have been magnificent, but a combination of pests, and problems, and what not, decimated her poor babies. Even some of the most reliable ones have barely produced. The pond renovation has left the I. pseudacorus high and dry, but it will be back. The Siberian iris must need replanting because they did little. I. cristata bloomed OK, as did a couple of dwarf bearded iris that are particularly reliable. Here's a new one in that category, sort of a new take on old iris, but it's quite prolific. So we'll dig them all, treat them for pests, replant them and fence them in, and maybe next year will be better.

1 comment:

  1. My bearded Irises are spotty this year, too. I think I need to divide them, though. Hopefully that will help for next year. I like the coloring of your cultivar.


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