Friday Fabulous Flower - Rhododendron

Friday was one of those days when you set out to do too many things, and for reasons too difficult to explain, not to mention what some would call misplaced priorities, but still the Phactor will apologize for not posting a fabulous flower on Friday. The Rhododendron-Azalea season comes to an end in mid-June with the flowering of this Rhododendron, a big, old-fashioned plant that was well established on the property when we acquired the two. It tends to lean up against the chimney, and at 8-9 feet it dominates the back of this garden. The particular variety is uncertain (anyone?), but it has a wonderful quality largely lacking in most of the short, common varieties, although many gardens are too small, or too well kept, to deal with its size and more open branching habit. In particular this shrub is a welcome addition to the early summer garden by flowering well after all of the other Rhododendron/Azaleas. Now if only the laural oak under which it grows would stop dropping branches on it in fits of jealosy.


  1. Hello my friend! I *love* this soft, delicate flower! SO gorgeous!

  2. You take such gorgeous photographs of flowers. Such amazing detail. I feel as if I can touch and smell them.


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