Lawn biodiversity versus monoculture

As many of you probably know, the Phactor is not a fan of grass monocultures. Lawns with some diversity are so much easier and cheaper to maintain. So quite to my surprise and with no effort what so ever, a considerable expanse of lawn has become a virtual monoculture, but not of grass, but the common violet. If full bloom 2500 square feet of purple and white violets is quite colorful and virtually nothing else is growing there at all. This is ecologically perplexing unless the violet is indeed the most competitive species. Now the question is to intervene or not. Oh, Mrs. Phactor says there is no choice, so some violetence is going to be exacted upon this lawn. In another area Viola labradorica is proving a well behaved component of the lawn. Wonder what conditions led to the violet takeover. Based on the number of seedlings, violets had a very good year for reproduction. Wonder if some experimental quadrats could be set up?


  1. Well, what's Mrs. Phactor's reasoning? Violets are nice, aren't they?

  2. would love to see a photo of all those violets.

  3. Mr. Subjunctive wonders at my reasoning. It's simple, monocultures aren't natural even if very pretty. Actually violets tend to crash in our hot dry summers leaving the area bare.


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