Friday Fabulous Flowers - Fringe Tree

Fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus) and its Chinese counterpart (Chionanthus retusus) are among the Phactor's favorite spring flowering shrubs. They are just so beautiful in flower, although maybe a bit ungainly of a shrub. But both are tough, a bit slow growing, but if you don't have one of these, you really should consider adding it to your landscape. When you see a really big specimen in flower it can take your breath away. The flowers are small, but the four-corolla lobes are long and flowers are produced in profusion, and the whole tree just drapes itself in a veil of white. Brides should be so lovely! Fringe trees are relatives of Forsythia and lilacs, all in the olive family, and generally you grow them like lilacs, even being tolerant of shade. American fringe tree has larger leaves and is a bit coarser in appearance than the Chinese fringe tree.


  1. But where do the fringe trees grow? There was a version I know endangered in Florida. I planted this and sadly it did not make it.

  2. Fringe trees like the same climate and growing conditions as lilacs, and you don't see them growing in Florida either. Too sub-tropical.

  3. No, there are no lilacs in Florida that I know of. But there are fringe trees. They are endangered. This I know. I didn't know they were also outside of Florida. Florida Native Plant Society member. Thank you for reply.

  4. TPP stands corrected! Fringe tree should grow just fine.


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