Keeping currant

Always aware of currant events it has become apparent that by not keeping currant the supply of jelly has been seriously diminished. One of our favorites is made from a combination of currants and cranberries, a deep red, tart confection to spread upon a toasted muffin. Redesign of a small portion of the garden has produced the correct location for some currants, but no one, no one, carries currants as garden stock. This tells you a great deal about people who think all jelly comes from the store not understanding what a pale imitation it is. Never have more people been further removed from where their food comes from; and curiously something a easy to make as jelly is looked upon as a terrible imposition. Kids just don't know how things are made anymore at all, or what kind of tree tomatoes grow on. Maybe mail order is the only option. Now to strain my latest batch of worchestershire sauce, which isn't hard to make either.


  1. Currents have a bad rap as being vector hosts for pine rust.

    I think they rolled back the law that you can't sell currants to Michigan residents. Your state may have something similar.

  2. If you come up with a good source for black currants, please pass it on. I garden on a rooftop in NYC and have had great success with blueberries (city birds don't recognize them as food, unlike rural birds), so I would like to branch our. Other sugggestions are also welcome, of course.


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