Clever names for plants, gardens, and the such

Clever names are always a delight; it tells you something about the people you're dealing with. And so the Phactor, and yes, he'll admit the Phytophactor was not so clever with his pseudonym as he would have liked, certainly appreciates clever names especially as they regard plants and the like. Maybe Turn Over a New Leaf would have been a good blog name, but actually it would suggest that somehow the author was seeking to change, for the better, and that would certainly be inaccurate. How about the Garden of Eaton? Nice. However my current favorite is Peony's Envy. Check out the Paeonia japonica, the Phactor could not resist and got them in the ground just as fall turned into winter. Unfortunately, a class discussion needs some leadership, and they'll have to do with me. So perhaps, others of you will be kind enough to make some nominations.

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