A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Beer - The Natural Selection
Nothing quite like a nice cold beer, and one nice thing about the microbrewery revolution (prior to this the USA was down to just 37 breweries), is that naming and labelling all these different beers has generated a great deal of creativity, e.g., Coal Porter (Atlantic Brewing Co.), Polygamy Porter (Wasatch Brewery), Druid Fluid (Middle Ages Brewery), and so on, but frankly the Phactor is not an expert having sampled no more than a couple of hundred microbrews (over the years - with the data to prove it). But still you know you've made it scientifically when someone brews one especially for you. And what better to celebrate Darwin Day and guest lecturer Richard Dawkins than Evolution Ale from the Darwin Brewery of course (Is it located in Downs? No, in Sunderland near Mowbray Gardens. Planners of botanical geek tours take note.). The recipe comes from a long line of beer recipes, with modification. HT to Pharyngula.
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The Darwin Brewery used to produce a very fine barley wine-style Extinction Ale (8.3% abv) - the name tells you all you need to know about it....
ReplyDeleteExtinction Ale!. Wonderful! Although would have liked to see a glossopterid on the label.
ReplyDeleteOh, and how appropriate that Phil just posted a blog about hops and Darwin!