Seed Catalogs

Sacrozona asked if the Phactor could recommend some seed catalogs, and the answer is yes, but to do so would violate this blog's no pay-no play policy. Throwing my considerable reputation behind a recommendation that all too easily could be construed as an endorsement would violate my pure amateur blogger status and sully an otherwise pure nonprofit status. Afterall if this blog ever began to make money, the Phactor might have to take it seriously. That being said, all the major purveyors of garden seeds have nice catalogs as well as online sites, and then there are dozens of smaller and more specialized catalogs for all manor of seeds. Nonetheless in an effort to please a regular reader please consult Cyndi's Catalog of Garden Catalogs. But if you are just planting a small patio type garden, there isn't any real need to buy onling or mail order; a visit to a local garden shop will have all the seeds and plants you will need. The only things the Phactor purchases from catalogs or online sources are some hard to find items and unusual offerings, otherwise support your local garden shop.


  1. I do prefer to buy from my local garden shop, which happens to be AWESOME. But catalogs are so much fun for daydreams and planning! Plus, I rely on my own two feet for transportation, which makes purchases over 20 pounds quite difficult to get home. Unfortunately, most of my friends with cars are not so excited about dilly-dallying trips to the plant store.

    I'm very excited about the list of catalogs at Cyndi's - can't wait until I've got a big stack to go through! Now I just have to figure out where I'm going to grad school so I can start picking out appropriate plants!

  2. Ah, Sarcozona, the car-less (not careless) gardener; a faculty colleague is in that category and fortunately for her the Phactor lives between her garden and the local garden shop so she borrows a 2-wheeled dolly/cart for transporting 5 gallon potted shrubs and trees, a great $40 investment that gets more valuable as my back gets older.
    Now for advice about graduate school and to find out about doing prairie or tropical research you'll have to contact my alter-ego.


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