A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Book Report - Citrus
When you teach a subject like economic botany your bookshelf fills up with a remarkable variety of books, and having delved through so many, those that prove to be useful, informative, and a good read bob to the evaluative surface like cork, which is bark tissue of the cork oak (such asides are a recurring problem with accessing the economic botany data bases), and so these few get recommended to others who might share such an interest. Citrus, A History by Pierre Laszlo is a new book published in 2007, and this tells you more about my life than the book, as just now it gets its turn to be read, but what a shame it was to have waited so long because this is a very entertaining and well written book certain to teach you a great deal about these well known, and some not so well known (Shaddocks any one?), iconic fruits. You will learn everything from the occupational hazards bartenders face from making too many mojitos to the myriad references to citrus in poetry. And since my review comes so late, the price has dropped to your benefit, but even still perhaps a certain editor at the Chicago University Press will smile upon this unsolicited endorsement as my vast horde of readers clicks on the link above, a convenience for which the Phactor receives no compensation whatsoever, and think kindly upon a fellow who is even more tardy as an author than a reviewer.
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