Garden flowering log: Report for March 2010

Mar 1: witchhazel “Diane”
Mar 9: witchhazel “Arnold’s Promise”, early crocus, snowdrops
Mar 14: late crocus, filbert
Mar 18: hellebores (hybrids & H. niger)
Mar 22: squill (thousands and thousands of them)
Mar 23: early daffodils, dwarf & standard; lungwort
Mar 28: Japanese pachysandra, spicebush
Mar 29: cornelian cherry (Cornus mas)
Mar 30: dwarf forsythia (Abeliophyllum)
Mar 31: Forsythia, periwinkle, tulip ‘kaufmanniana”
Not too bad for March, but the first 5 days of April have already equaled the total for all of March, so perhaps keeping a flowering log could get a bit out of hand, but you have to wander around your garden with a cocktail anyways, so you might as well take note of what’s in flower. So stay posted and in just 25 more days, we'll see what flowered in the Phactor's garden during April.


  1. I like this! But wasn't the snow drop by the back door in bloom in March?

  2. Sneaking around my back door? Whose flowering log is this anyways? But yes snowdrops were in flower along with the witchhazels.

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